In July 2011 a young British player, Chris Staniforth, died from a blood clot after a prolonged session at his Xbox video-gameconsole.
Microsoft has announced a worldwide release date for what it promises will be its smallest and most powerful video-gameconsole ever, the Xbox One X.
Now, however, all the video-gamingconsoles are starting to build in Facebook connectivity as well.
Video-gameconsoles are locked down with encryption as well.
So, for the past several years, uWink has been developing video-gameconsoles that can fulfill his goal.
Many of the technologies we now take for granted-the World Wide Web, satellite television, 32-bit video-gameconsoles-didn't even exist.
'Where's my eye in the sky?' he asked the young technician, sitting at his video-gamesconsole.
The action indirectly pits the world's largest maker of personal computer software against the leading makers of video-gameconsoles, Sony and Nintendo.