A long flag; often tapering.
Examples for "pennant "
Examples for "pennant "
1 Who do you think is going to win the pennant this year?
2 Another flag, a red pennant , was hoisted in place of the blue.
3 It's the last of the season and means the pennant for Worcester.
4 In truth, only one more victory was needed to clinch the pennant .
5 Along the banks no speeding train flung its smoke - pennant to the wind.
1 Lisa Henson told the streamer to start adding zeroes to the budget.
2 At the end of each streamer a little tinkling bell is sewed.
3 He also has an animated film in the works for the streamer .
4 From the top of each pole a broad, gayly colored streamer waved.
5 Murphy's first show for the streamer , The Politician, will drop next month.
1 He held it up, hanging loose like a pennon from his hand.
2 Find in the Glossary the meaning of: chieftain; unconscious; booming; despair; fragments; pennon .
3 Wherever men rode the waters of the Three Rivers that pennon was known.
4 The leader wore knight's armor but showed neither pennon nor device.
5 From the stern hung a gilded shield and a crimson pennon .
1 The clinks of bits and stirrup-irons came down in a waft again.
2 Whistling, he let the escalator waft him into the still night air.
3 And then he was gone, with a final noxious waft of cologne.
4 The air is delicious, and a cool waft comes down the glacier.
5 Sighs shall waft thy ship of sighs over the sea of Tears.
6 I nodded to our attendants to start fanning to waft them away.
7 The man seems to waft it over the side with his hands.
8 From Rome, lady, as fast as sails could waft them and me.
9 When shall the sails of love waft us from this dangerous shore?
10 At midthigh depth, I reached the bag and a waft of odor.
11 A waft of shocking stench reached us before she shut the window.
12 The mode universally adopted by Nature is the oblique waft of the wing.
13 The wind would waft the melancholy sound back to the village.
14 And the thin hands eagerly waft some grateful kisses to the group below.
15 The north wind will waft thee to the shore of Hades.
16 Bring it, please. Her gesture seemed to waft the damsel over the floor.
Other examples for "waft"
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About this term Verb
Indicative · Present
Waft across language varieties