The armour of knights stood about, and valuable trophies graced the wainscotedwalls.
A brown upholstered bench ran around the brown, wainscotedwalls.
High corniced ceilings, wainscotedwalls, and shoulder-high chimney-pieces abound.
It was not a bad room at all: countrified-looking and old-fashioned, with a low ceiling and wainscotedwalls.
It was a low-ceilinged room with wainscotedwalls, and at first glance one received an impression of the past.
The landing-floor, like the stairs, was of polished oak, and the wainscotedwalls had one or two old pictures on them.
We never called them anything but parlors, for the shabby wainscotedwalls and old-fashioned furniture forbade any similitude to the modern drawing-room.
Lana had led the retreat to that apartment; its wainscotedwalls and heavy door shut out in some measure the racket of hammers and saws.
Plaintive, tender melodies for the most part; prolonged trembling, faintly-expiring airs; and sometimes harsh, strident notes that evoked weird echoes from the bare wainscotedwalls.
Though the twilight had begun to gather, enough light streamed through the great west window to make the portraits on the wainscotedwalls clearly visible.
This room had been done over last year in gray and old rose, with the "suit" in Circassian walnut, and wainscotedwalls which harmonized admirably.