We have no meanings for "whole passages" in our records yet.
1 Désirée read the letters so often that she knew whole passages by heart.
2 Lamartine not only corrected them but inserted whole passages . '
3 I can recite whole passages from the Bible-
4 But there were whole passages and spaces of it whose divine and perfect beauty lifted me above life.
5 He will strike out whole passages in the most drastic manner, and alter others until they are almost unrecognisable.
6 I carried it with me everywhere, savoring it; I underlined whole passages , scribbled asterisks and exclamation points in the margins.
7 And we found, upon comparing letters, that whole passages of eloquence figured in the one correspondence which appeared in the other.
8 This was felt by Byron, and on this account he does not say much of Shakspeare, although he knows whole passages by heart.
9 Immediately on hearing the first scenes, she exclaimed, "But you have actually taken whole passages out of Oehlenschl ger and Ingemann."
10 When we reach the garden of Venus we find whole passages translated from Claudian's 'Marriage of Honorius,' and from the 'Metamorphoses' of Ovid.
11 To attain a clear and pithy style, it may be necessary to cut down, to rearrange, and to rewrite whole passages of an essay.
12 I find whole passages in my works wrongly quoted, and it is only in my appendix, which is absolutely lucid, that an exception is made.
13 Whole passages of Donald MacRae's written life story took form in living words.
14 Whole passages could make you tremble as you read.
15 Whole passages of that discourse Lewisham did not hear, so intent was he upon those roses.
16 Whole passages can be selected in a similar manner and shared to Twitter, Facebook, email or Amazon's Goodreads book-based social network.
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This collocation consists of: Whole passages through the time
Whole passages across language varieties