We have no meanings for "wishes also" in our records yet.
1 The Guardian wishes also to express his heartfelt thanks to the Indian N.S.A.
2 The Congress wishes also to welcome into its midst the worker-Cossacks.
3 Yes, we can; if you will do what I wish, and what he wishes also .
4 Henceforth my wishes are the wishes also of madame.
5 Another nation, which God wishes also to chastise.
6 The Guardian wishes also to stress the necessity of completing the Urdu and the Hindi translations of Dr. Esslemont's 'New Era'.
7 He wishes also to stress the fact that, according to the Bahá'í laws, work is forbidden on our nine Holy Days.
8 The Committee wishes also to thank you for the opportunity of being associated with the work of the Task Force through our state observers.
9 "And when I have granted it, my sister, it will be your part to fulfil my wishes also . "
10 "But remember this always;-thatmy only wishes respecting you, and your mother's wishes also , are to see you happy and good."
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