A heavy grey-white metallic element; the pure form is used mainly in electrical applications; it is found in several ores including wolframite and scheelite.
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Examples for "tungsten "
Examples for "tungsten "
1 One of the latest is the tungsten arc in an inert gas.
2 His creation was five feet long, made of articulated tungsten carbide vertebrae.
3 The celebrated and ancient damascus steel being a form of tungsten - alloy steel.
4 The haggard eyes of the starving man were hard as tungsten - washed steel.
5 Some gas you can't breathe, it keeps the tungsten filament from burning.
1 Interventions: A 200 - W , cooled-tip RF probe system was used for all cases.
2 US President George W Bush is to visit Northern Ireland next month.
3 But the enormous sum was well beyond the means of W 's family.
4 To minimize that, some companies are saying the W - 2 should be used.
5 Other participants included existing investor W Capital and the AARP Innovation Fund.
1 These oxides are commonly met with in samples of wolfram and tinstone, especially niobic.
2 At present, I am immensely occupied, engaged in collecting wolfram .
3 We have not examined barium, wolfram , or uranium.
4 Oil, rubies, trams, wolfram , rubber, and so on.
5 The following analysis will illustrate the composition of a sample of Cornish wolfram as brought into the market:-
6 Ingots of wolfram and Glantz steel.
7 Do you know what wolfram is?
8 Subtract (1) from (3) to get the weight of wolfram taken:
9 Iron, copper, and arsenical pyrites, antimony, galena, molybdenite, zinc blende, and wolfram were treated in the above manner with similar results.
10 This chemical is a salt, made by roasting wolfram with soda ash, and wolfram is a native tungstate of iron and manganese.
11 In many places I saw mounds the marmots had made from copper ore and farther north some from minerals containing wolfram and vanadium.
12 They have agents all over the country, who pull strings in wolfram and the ruby mines, and have a finger in every mortal thing.
13 In turn, the city could throw up enough low-grade molybdenum and wolfram as a byproduct of drilling to satisfy the terms of the Proctors.
14 And in this case, Wolfram Alpha gets its results from Best Buy.
15 The Project Gutenberg EBook of A History of China, by Wolfram Eberhard
16 The app is for the iPhone - Wolfram Physics I Course Assistant.
Other examples for "wolfram"
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