The Bachelor in Paradise star looked horrified as she relived the cringe- worthymoment.
For the poor celebrant it is such a cringe worthymoment.
It was a cringe- worthymoment -one that had most people watching in absolute stitches.
If these old hands summon the odd allowance- worthymoment, repeat exposure only leaves this franchise looking newly anonymous and synthetic.
It's spectacular, an Insta- worthymoment if ever there was one, but I'm not in a rush to reach for my camera.
Stunned safari guide Kurt Schultz, 43, captured the Disney- worthymoment in Kruger National Park, South Africa, while he was filming big cats.
While it didn't seem to be a malicious moment from Kidman, fans on social media noticed the cringe- worthymoment, which spread like wildfire online.
Describing the cringe- worthymoment the "aloof and disorganised" Sandra stole her thunder in a rant on Facebook, she admitted the deception was devastating.
There were more cringe- worthymoments than magic moments.
For one in five of us, those cringe- worthymoments happen all the time and can be overwhelming.
'No, no, this is definitely a shit- worthymoment.'
And in this day in age, it's about making sure she has some Instagram- worthymoments from the most love-filled night of the year.
Though there will probably be some truly hilarious-and cringe worthymoments-Wayans said he's excited to work with his Scary Movie co-star once again.
There are some cringe- worthymoments when Chalky, normally proud and infallible, has to deal with racism and bends over to appease his White clientele.
While there are definitely smart, chuckle- worthymoments, The Politician's school election doesn't have nearly the same bite or insight as Alexander Payne's 1999 movie Election.