1 This book is of the end of the XVIth century.
2 From Rochela of France, the XVIth day of June of M. d. XXIIJ years.
3 Should any one now pretend to deny that Louis XVIth .
4 It is divided into two parts by the invasion of the Shepherds ( XVIth dynasty):
5 It was still existent in the XVIth year of the reign, but it had ceased before the XXIInd year.
6 In a brilliantly sunny, packed St Peter's Square yesterday, Pope Benedict XVIth delivered the last public address of his pontificate.
7 * The study of the geographical nomenclature in use about the XVIth century B.C.
8 "Louis XVIth 's unhappy daughter!" sighed Rosalie; "for the third time is she driven from her father-land.
9 'Read out the 17th and 18th verses of the XVIth chapter of Mark,' said the disturber of the meeting.
10 (G.O.C., XVIth Division), as being the very man for the job of re-organizing the Corps, and making it worth its capitation-grant.
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