Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments.
Constituting the order Opuntiales.
Examples for "cactus"
Examples for "cactus"
1She is raised in great numbers in cactus gardens planted on purpose.
2The road-bed changed, the trees changed-allthe surroundings changed except the cactus.
3The Apaches tried their rope saw, but the cactus parted the rope.
4I wrenched my cactus-pinned arm free and struck her in the jaw.
5Sometimes she teased him, she said he was like a cactus plant.
1Scarlet patches lay on the slopes-thewide blossoms of the low cacti.
2They photographed large proteas, cacti and succulents growing in the glass greenhouses.
3We twisted and wriggled over the ground, among weeds and thorny cacti.
4With all of these cacti, there were plenty of places to hide.
5We made it up to the top, though, and wandered amid cacti.
1He again ran away, and we pursued him through the thorny cactuses.
2Are there poisonous cactuses that could kill you if you got pricked?
3Accidental villas among olive trees appear; and men-servants watering the cactuses.
4There were palms, cactuses, and orange trees, mixed with olive groves.
5Dried cactuses, for example, are an excellent source of fuel.
1The similarity of certain xerophilous Euphorbiaceae to Cactaceae is a ready illustration of this phenomenon.
Translations for Cactaceae