Young Alcides, and rock-youstood there for sacrifice, I was the weeping Dardanian dames.
Then he seized Echemon and Chromius, two sons of Dardanian Priam, being in one chariot.
But here is the Dardanian wench in person.
Then Eu-phor'bus, a Dardanian chief, hurried forward, and with his lance wounded him in the back.
Trundling out of the Dardanian Gate, the carts carrying the laundry and tapestries rolled down the incline.
These, when he required a fleet, I gave gladly to the Dardanian; now fear wrings me with sharp distress.
Timasion, the Dardanian, pledged Seuthes, and presented a silver bowl (3) and a carpet worth ten minae.
The great Dardanian Gate, already shut for the night, groaned open for us and we arrived safe behind the walls.
The Dardanian princes knew the god and the arms of deity, and heard the clash of his quiver as he went.
Next he came to Timasion the Dardanian, who, some one had told him, was the happy possessor of certain goblets and oriental carpets.
Let the pitiless Dardanian's gaze drink in this fire out at sea, and my death be the omen he carries on his way.'
We seek Evander; carry this message, and tell him that chosen men of the Dardanian captains are come pleading for an armed alliance.'
It was growing dark when we returned to the city through the Dardanian Gate; the great doors were closed and we had to request passage.
What he said was that he believed Xenophon would rather share the command of Clearchus's army with Timasion, a Dardanian, than with himself, a Laconian.