A city in southwestern Switzerland at the western end of Lake Geneva; it is the headquarters of various international organizations.
Examples for "Geneva"
Examples for "Geneva"
1Myanmar's ambassador in Geneva denied his government arrested people for political reasons.
2But international law, including the Geneva Conventions, must be followed, he said.
3Turkey restricts its application of the Geneva Convention to refugees from Europe.
4In Geneva, a U.S. official said enrichment suspension remained the powers' position.
5Those working in field response teams outside Geneva were vaccinated last week.
1"Thou expectest to see friends from Genf in yonder bark?"
2"Genf," like "Genève," is the Swiss for "Geneva."
1The Log of the Empire State by Geneve L. A. Shaffer
2This appeared in an article in the Tribune de Geneve at the weekend.
3Dutchman Gerco Schroeder finished sandwiched between the Irish duo in third on Eurocommerce Geneve.
4The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Log of the Empire State, by Geneve L.A. Shaffer
5He also edited and made valuable additions to J. Spon's Histoire de la republique de Geneve.
6For a map in the Tribune de Geneve showed the rivers of the canton in various colours.
7In Bibliotheque Universelle de Geneve, March, 1860.
8My address is still Poste restante, Geneve.
9Switzerland's La Tribune de Geneve newspaper reported he had received $100 million from the late Saudi king.
10Contact: i-Com, 4 Rue de Geneve B33, 1140 Brussels, Belgium.
11She gave me to understand that a young merchant, one M. Geneve, seemed to wish to obtain her hand.
12Author: Geneve L.A. Shaffer
13Tribune de Geneve said schoolchildren had been grounded in Tasch by a local decree issued on grounds of "nocturnal agitation".
14I leave word at Paris for him, at Geneve, at Stresa, to bring his daughter to ze Conservatoire, for which I pay.
15In Geneva I put up first at the familiar old Hotel de l'Ecu de Geneve, which called up various reminiscences to my mind.
16Pierre Huber's Les fourmis indigees, Geneve, 1861; Forel's Recherches sur les fourmis de la Suisse, Zurich, 1874, and J.T.