Small dark-colored whale of the Atlantic coast of the United States; the largest male acts as pilot or leader for the school.
Examples for "blackfish"
Examples for "blackfish"
1Shark and the giant blackfish follow dogfish and seal.
2Draw two large blackfish, trim, and clean thoroughly.
3Dolphins, rock-cod, pigfish, and blackfish may be caught as quickly as they can be hauled out.
4The rivers yielded eels and blackfish.
5Now and then a blackfish was hauled in,-anevent greeted with a loud cheer from all parts of the boat.
1Like a pilot whale, Harry needs approximately five hours of sleep nightly.
2Maybe one of those melon headed whales, or a pilot whale.
3Angry pilot whale A single pilot whale has been recorded biting a human.
4Mr Lilley said it was a false killer whale, rather than a pilot whale.
5In June, a pilot whale died off southern Thailand after swallowing 80 plastic bags.
1A large black whale, being the first, was seen near the ships.
2The whales killed at the Portland fishery were of two kinds, the right or black whale, and the sperm whale.
3One morning they discovered that the waves had thrown up on the beach a young black whale, nearly twelve feet long.
4At the end of it a large, humpbacked rock showed now and again through the surf, like the fin of a black whale.
5Frequently large shoals of sea-nettles, on which the black whale feeds, have been met with, borne onward towards its haunts in the north.
Translations for Globicephala melaena