Small black-headed European gull.
Examples for "blackcap"
Examples for "blackcap"
1From a verbena hard by came the liquid song of a blackcap.
2The songs of chiffchaff, blackcap and crickets play out with distant skylarks.
3The most musical singer we heard was the blackcap warbler.
4A few years ago a blackcap joined the throng, at first an interesting, rare visitor.
5Is the blackcap extending its range, or was it simply blown here by gale-force winds?
1Remember the pewit call if we lose sight of each other.
2She puckered her lips and gave the pewit call, but there was no answer.
3If you see a man, keep still in your places and give the pewit call.
4I, too, heard the pewit's plaint in my childhood and caught the sun-fish in the brook.
5He gave the pewit's call and waited.
1Far away was heard the lonely cry of a laughing gull.
2Puffin, Leach's petrel, eider duck, laughing gull, great blue heron, fish-hawk and bald eagle.-(Arthur H. Norton, Portland.)
3His wild, laughing cry has given him the nickname of Laughing Gull.
Translations for Larus ridibundus