A midwestern state in central United States; a border state during the American Civil War, Missouri was admitted to the Confederacy without actually seceding from the Union.
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The longest river in the United States; arises in Montana and flows southeastward to become a tributary of the Mississippi at Saint Louis.
1 It was the opposite a year ago, Missouri coach Gary Pinkel said.
2 Price said the crew on Missouri Ridge had no access to water.
3 Rights struggle to continue after Missouri violence fades, organizers vow FERGUSON Mo.
4 Police in Columbia, Missouri , said on Monday they were investigating the case.
5 Bushman, a professor at Missouri State University, said success favors the realistic.
6 However, the extra point attempt was blocked by Missouri linebacker Kentrell Brothers.
7 Some members of the original Atlan group left Missouri and settled elsewhere.
8 Nixon insists he only wants to protect Missouri citizens from illegal activity.
9 It was not clear what drug Missouri would use for future executions.
10 That's what's started to happen with another new tick-borne virus in Missouri .
11 VanLeer's free throws were the first Missouri points since the seven-minute mark.
12 That was the only regular season SEC loss by Missouri last year.
13 But Missouri had no answer on how to stop Kentucky's rushing attack.
14 Mrs. Virginia Minor raised a similar question in the courts of Missouri .
15 Last year, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon, a Democrat, vetoed one such measure.
16 The Missouri penitentiary is located in the southern suburbs of Jefferson City.
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