1The NSS segment provides a portfolio of national security solutions and systems.
2Microsoft has sponsored several such studies, all conducted by NSS Labs.
3In contrast, performance of NSS patients did not differ from that of HVs.
4This evidence demonstrates that the earliest date for composition of NSS is 1620.
5Caveat: Because the NSS surveys final-year, students it is subjective and dependent upon expectations.
6Alongside NSS scores, judgments here will also reflect dropout rates.
7The NSS patients did not differ from HV on any of the cognitive tasks.
8Additionally, the performance of NSS was compared with existing models.
9The new national security service (NSS) was established in its place.
10A specific ZII score was further selected to best guide patient selection in off-clamp NSS.
11ZII = 6 is established as a preliminary threshold for patient selection of off-clamp NSS.
12Skin samples pressurized at more than 200 MPa were inactivated in both NSS and DW.
13A total of 32 guns and some knives were seized by the detainees, the NSS said.
14Recently, NSS was awarded a contract to provide comprehensive training to Royal Saudi Air Force operations personnel.
15Neurological function was evaluated by Rota-rod test, Neurological severity scores (NSS) and Adhesive removal test.
16The only plausible order of composition for the plays therefore places NSS before 'The Parliament of Bees'.