Any of several white wines from the Rhine River valley in Germany (`hock' is British usage)
Examples for "hock"
Examples for "hock"
1John had gone to get more wine, a home-made hock this time.
2A very large tendon is attached to the summit of the hock.
3I was getting some of that hock her ladyship brought from London.
4These are placed above the hock and retained by straps tightly fastened.
5Seaman took a long and ecstatic draught of his hock and seltzer.
1Thus the Centre Party is in the ascendant in the Rhenish Provinces.
2The letter bore the postmark of a city in the Rhenish Palatinate.
3The third prize was to be two tuns of good Rhenish wine.
4Both she and it reached the Rhenish spa by some circuitous route.
5To Whitehall, and thence to the Rhenish wine-house, where I met Mons.
1A little light claret or Rhine wine may be allowed; nothing more.
2His hungry men feasted on the Union's lobster salad and Rhine wine.
3They had rich meats with them, and Rhine wine of the best.
4Who would think that meant something sleek and pleasant, like Rhine wine?
5Two bottles of precious Rhine wine stood in the cool without the window.
6It was fresh as Rhine wine, dry as the wine of the Hermitage.
7He praised the Rhine wine highly, and thanked the Meisers for their hospitality.
8He paused again and lifted high the great beaker of old Rhine wine.
9The butler filled his ruby goblet from a narrow bottle of Rhine wine.
10The Rhine wine has a way of humming in one's head.
11There was some quite excellent Rhine wine, and I drank plenty of it.
12What I like best is a companion and a bottle of Rhine wine.
13There were also eight or ten bottles-schnapps, cognac, Rhine wine-and cigars.
14The Rhine wine is dear in this country, and costs four francs a bottle.
15I called the Rhine wine poison, because of its strength.
16Grisell hastened to help him, Clemence to fetch a cup of cooling Rhine wine.