English materialist and political philosopher who advocated absolute sovereignty as the only kind of government that could resolve problems caused by the selfishness of human beings (1588-1679)
Ver más 1 The doctrine of the English philosopher, Thomas Hobbes , is as unequivocally egoistic.
2 John Locke, Samuel Pufendorf, even Thomas Hobbes would have said the same thing.
3 Love also proves man is not inherently selfish, as Thomas Hobbes had claimed.
4 The European nation-states were built, partly, on principles outlined in Thomas Hobbes ' 1651 book Leviathan.
5 So preoccupied was Thomas Hobbes with geometry that he sometimes diagrammed propositions on his bedsheets.
6 The seventeenth-century philosopher Thomas Hobbes observed that people honor raw power irrespective of its moral justification:
7 Life then was indeed "nasty, brutish and short", as philosopher Thomas Hobbes put it.
8 Come back, Thomas Hobbes , all is forgiven.
9 It was Thomas Hobbes not John Locke who described life as "nasty, brutish and short".
10 Thought experiments formed the foundation of Western philosophy -from Socrates to Thomas Hobbes to Simone de Beauvoir.
11 I scanned some of the Greek philosophers, the Bible, Thomas Hobbes , John Locke, and the fathers of American democracy.
13 And, as Thomas Hobbes phrased the matter in 1651, the oftener they have been observed in like connection, the less uncertain is the sign.
14 He was acutely aware of the standard objections to his view, not only from cynics like Thomas Hobbes but from his fellow Calvinists as well.
15 Thomas Hobbes had taken the Ship of Theseus story one step further.
16 Thomas Hobbes ' Leviathan possesses a deceptive front cover, according to philosopher and roving book editor, David Hall.
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