English "Xmas" (or slightly variant forms) is a written abbreviation for "Christmas"
A Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Christ; a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland.
Examples for "x-mas"
Examples for "x-mas"
1We first noticed the spread of this cuteness just before X-mas.
2By X-mas 1952 the lenient-treatment was flourishing so that the men were permitted a mild celebration.
3L. gave no tips but gave $500 at X-mas.
4We're counting down the final days of the X-Mas season and it's way past the cut-off for determining who has been naughty or nice.
1His wife got a pepper mill from Lord & Taylor for Xmas.
2INTERVIEW - Are your Xmas lights made by slaves, asks Chinese dissident?
3On other side, there was what started to be shopping list for Xmas.
4It will be in the January number, which will be out before Xmas.
5The authorities were arranging a dance and sleighing party for the Xmas celebration.
6He and Kate bond looking up at a bird outside the Xmas shop.
7Then the Vietcong offered the Xmas truce & then another truce.
8Spectrum HoloByte's Gilman Louie tells us what game machine to buy next Xmas.
9Well I guess its time to say Mery Xmas now Mable.
10To see his mates and bring some cheer To folks alone at Xmas.
11I keep forgetting Xmas, Kitty, and this is my Xmas letter.
12A man humping a tiny Xmas tree on my NYC block?
13Do you know, what they say in Xmas stories is true?
14Have you broken your Xmas dolly or lost that new bracelet or what?
15The second prize-poem, 'A Vision of Mermaids', is dated Xmas '62.
16An agonising pang assailed her, and she dashed down a postcript-Whata Xmas!