Economic term for a person who owns and rents out a profit-earning property.
1By buying New Era, Westbrook has become a giant absentee landlord.
2Did he signify or was he an absentee landlord?
3The absentee landlord is a curse, of course.
4Was it once owned by a grasping mill-owner or absentee landlord who exploited his workers or tenants?
5He is, in principle, an absentee landlord.
6But when the miners' cottages became overwhelmed by tree roots, the absentee landlord failed to take action.
7Slights roll through his mind, eating at him: worst record ever, can't build a team, absentee landlord.
8Ownership by a Britisher, or alleged ownership by an absentee landlord, was enough for the partisans to destroy the property.
9However, locals who worry it will be snapped up by an absentee landlord have decided to try to buy it themselves.
10White people are more in evidence here, and farmer and hired labor replace to some extent the absentee landlord and rack-rented tenant.
11No absentee landlord could be welcomed back, but if God came as the resident soul of all creation, men could comprehend that.
12The new social alignment was complete, with the idle, absentee landlord at one end and the migratory and possessionless lumber jack at the other.
13As you know, I am not of the type of absentee landlords.
14Most Casbah homes are owned privately, many of them by absentee landlords.
15Home they may have been, but the champions were absentee landlords.
16It's your absentee landlords that have done the mischief.
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Translations for absentee landlord