Aún no tenemos significados para "accord to documents".
1The deal could potentially have netted him billions of dollars, according to documents.
2According to documents obtained by celebrity web site TMZ.com, Sheen cited irreconcilable differences.
3Dr Neary claimed many women asked for hysterectomies, according to documents made available yesterday.
4Two parties on Monday requested the United States terminate the agreements, according to documents.
5The couple filed for divorce on April 11, according to documents obtained by PEOPLE.
6According to documents filed with the companies' office, the bank appointed Mr McCann last week.
7Therefore, insurance cover for physical loss did not apply, the insurers argued, according to documents.
8DeGiorgio authorized the design change but did not change the part number, according to documents.
9Google is planning further tests in new cities, according to documents seen by the Guardian.
10You are going to be out right before (mandatory) testing, according to documents.
11According to documents seen by GroundUp, the school first applied for scholar transport in 2014.
12The hearing is set for Oct. 28, according to documents on the supreme court's website.
13The incident also drew scrutiny from two Congressional panels, according to documents reviewed by Reuters.
14Simmons and Milano scattered the victim's remains in a bayou behind Simmons' property, according to documents.
15That loan is now reduced to about 62 billion yen, according to documents obtained by Reuters.
16He's next due to appear in court on August 22, according to documents shared on goldenstatekillertrial.com.