Aún no tenemos significados para "add presently".
1She added presently, I'm not clever the way you are at taking hints.
2Miselle nodded, without attempting a defence, and the man added presently,-
3How canst thou look into that gulf and not die? she added presently.
4So this is our minstrel? she added presently, turning to Allan-a-Dale.
5Master," he added presently, "bid your man light the fire in the galley."
6I think I will go up to bed now, she added presently, in a weary voice.
7But Voban was for always, he added presently.
8Bert added presently, after profound thought, but I don't like 'em all day and all night!
9And he added presently, "He wuz me mudder's father."
10'This is my great fear,' he added presently, 'for Soissons in September.
11'As you say,' she added presently, 'this is someone very well off.
12Gaston broke off, and added presently:
13She added presently, "He has spoken of money."
14She added presently, "That is Aunt Charlotte's maid."
15And he paused again, but added presently: 'It's better you should have come now than two years ago.
16"Maybe you'd like to see the folks underground, ke-whack," he added presently.