Loose connective tissue composed mostly of adipocytes.
Examples for "fat"
Examples for "fat"
1This is fat; mine was flat; mine was light; this is heavy.
2Scientists believe they have pinpointed why high-fat western diets lead to diabetes.
3Health care interactions can enact fat-related stigmatization, which can worsen health outcomes.
4Dip in milk then in seasoned flour, and fry in hot fat.
5Dip in egg, roll in crumbs and fry in smoking hot fat.
1Objective: To analyse the association between family structure and adiposity in children.
2LPA may have a beneficial effect against excess adiposity among older children.
3Nevertheless, both methods seem to be valid for monitoring changes in adiposity.
4Other OPE metabolites were not consistently associated with adiposity measures among adults.
5Increased adiposity with double mutations may involve a reduction in energy expenditure.
1In only six out of 11 cases was vital fatty tissue found.
2The mechanisms that trigger involution of hemangioma into fibro- fatty tissue remain unknown.
3They are surrounded by hyperechogenic infiltration of the cellulo- fatty tissue.
4Surgical findings included a mass of fibrous scar and fatty tissue encasing the deep tendon.
5Brace yourself, for this shocker, guys: Breasts, are actually made of fatty tissue and mammary glands.
1The risks associated with extra body fat are long term and serious.
2In addition, sleep restriction reduced body fat content throughout the entire period.
3In young adults, those with more body fat had less stiff arteries.
4Persons with a high percent body fat had high levels of disability.
5In the intervention group, weight, waist circumference, and body fat percentage decreased.
1Brown adipose tissue oxidizes chemical energy for heat generation and energy expenditure.
2Objective: Excessive caloric intake is associated with obesity and adipose tissue dysfunction.
3Conclusion: Surgical trauma dramatically impacts both local and distal adipose tissue biology.
4Methods: A novel mouse model of adipose tissue surgical trauma was employed.
5These phenomena are probably both consequences of insulin resistance of adipose tissue.
6Milder but significant distal effects on non-traumatized adipose tissue were also observed.
7In contrast, the effect of metabolic acidosis on adipose tissue is unknown.
8The vitamin D endocrine system has many extraskeletal targets, including adipose tissue.
9Results: MSCs cultured in CM of adipose tissue spontaneously differentiated into adipocytes.
10Regional adipose tissue and splanchnic tissue metabolism were measured by Fick's Principle.
11Moreover, clock gene expression was reduced or phase-shifted in perivascular adipose tissue.
12Proteins accumulated in the adipose tissue of males highlight higher adipogenic potential.
13The adipose tissue appeared to be wholly confined to the subcutaneous region.
14At presentation, the patient displayed neither generalized overgrowth nor dysregulated adipose tissue.
15Knee articular biopsies of patients previously treated with adipose tissue were analyzed.
16The pathophysiology of adipose tissue infiltration in the thyroid gland remains unknown.
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Translations for adipose tissue