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Significados de adventurous expedition en inglés
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Uso de adventurous expedition en inglés
Thus armed, I prepared to sally forth on my adventurousexpedition.
Roland's departure on this adventurousexpedition deeply afflicted the poor widow.
And so the cherished remembrance of my Virlandaise became associated with our adventurousexpedition.
This is a far more adventurousexpedition than we expected.
We sincerely congratulate yourself and party on the success which has attended your adventurousexpedition overland to Adelaide.
Ronald now saw gathered together the various persons who were to accompany Prince Charles on this adventurousexpedition.
The people grew almost heart-sick with anxiety; for the flower of the country was at peril in this adventurousexpedition.
He was released from his prison in order to take command of an adventurousexpedition to Guiana in quest of gold.
It was an important initiative, encouraging young people to contribute in areas of community involvement, personal skills development, physical recreation and adventurousexpedition.
He thus wantonly brought himself and his army into a plight similar to that which formerly befell Agathocles in his desperate adventurousexpedition.
The 100 thousand men who had entered were troops of the élite, but they came starving at the end of their adventurousexpedition.
But the Curé of Althausen had not undertaken this adventurousexpedition to abandon it at the moment when he was attaining his object.
With his picked force, officered by the two Lees, and other excellent lieutenants, Stuart set out on his adventurousexpedition to Old Church.
Notwithstanding the precarious condition of Europe, the Directory decided upon denuding the country of its best troops, and launching them upon an adventurousexpedition.
He also became aware that his host would not accompany him on his adventurousexpedition, and that next day we should have a guide.
You mean, sir, that we are to sail across the Caribbean on an adventurousexpedition, neglecting that which lies here at our very door.