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Significados de aid other en inglés
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Uso de aid other en inglés
He said the harvest would undoubtedly aidother providers in main olive oil producing rivals Greece and Italy.
Being on the list allows the White House to cut off U.S. aidother than counter-narcotics and humanitarian funds.
Troia claims he never planned to actually sell the data, and that he made the post as a ruse to aidother ongoing research.
Some youth like a group of strapping men in the dusty Alankuda camp said they had joined non-government groups to aidother displaced Muslims.
The Garda is considering the use of robotic drones that could be deployed on covert surveillance flights or to overtly aidother police work.
The report is also more complete than others posted by Moody's Investors Service since the rating company excluded borrower aidother than modifications, Brinkmann said.
We do not seek material prosperity for ourselves because we love luxury; we do not aidother nations because we wish to increase our power.
The Garda is considering the use of robotic drones that could be deployed on covert surveillance flights or to overtly aidother police work.The Irish(...)
One learns to aidothers through example; one can see that it is nothing.
The sea, the winds of heaven, had aidedothers since the dawn of history.
If ulcers are on your legs, it signifies a drain on your income to aidothers.
His purposes were not bad, and his disposition to aidothers was a charming feature of his character.
It was a genius for life, for living herself, for aidingothers to live, for vivifying mere existence.
I am trying to help the men, and you ought not ask me to stop doing what may aidothers.
JUST A BAND- AIDOther business owners wondered whether the loans would be enough to sustain them for any length of time.
The most intelligent mind will listen to the soul, and use the thought as an unselfish medium with which to aidothers.