Drinking of ethanol in drinks containing it.
1Anthropometric data, past history including alcohol consumption, and associated diseases were registered.
2Yes and no according to a major international study on alcohol consumption.
3No significant associations were found for alcohol consumption and problem drinking liability.
4There was no link, however, between current alcohol consumption and tumor grade.
5Results: The estimates show that alcohol consumption is associated with sickness absence.
6Conclusions: Very heavy alcohol consumption and smoking are independent risks for CP.
7The relation of alcohol consumption to the risk of IC remains controversial.
8Again, I suggest discussing the pressure caused by some people's alcohol consumption.
9Try tracking your alcohol consumption each day using the Drinkaware alcohol tracker.
10Excessive alcohol consumption is frequently linked to street violence and drink-related injuries.
11The relationship with alcohol consumption is supported by the available physiological evidence.
12Italy's Lombardy region, which includes Milan, reined in alcohol consumption and gambling.
13The influence of social capital on college alcohol consumption deserves further attention.
14The Episcopal church believes there is nothing innately wrong with alcohol consumption.
15Associations were generally stronger at higher levels of BMI or alcohol consumption.
16As a rule, the winter festivities are marked by bumper alcohol consumption.
Translations for alcohol consumption