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Uso de alguacil en inglés
When he goes out on the street, an alguacil with a long wand precedes him.
He laughed when he told me of Henry Bee, the alguacil or jailor of San Jose.
It has a cabildo, consisting of two alcaldes-in-ordinary, eight regidors, and an alguacil-mayor and his officers.
In the said town, the office of alguacil-mayor; for his Majesty has made no provision for the said dignity.
Royal magistrates are under obligation to render this assistance, since the request therefor does not require from them any fees, alguacil, or scrivener.
"Are there alguacils of the court in Kandy, too," said Sancho at this, "and poets, and seguidillas?
"I shall not interfere in this fight, senores," said he, "if you surrender your weapons to me, the lawful alguacil (officer) of this district."