I will alludeonly to one other parallel, which carries us to a much earlier period.
She spoke of the poor of Beccles, being very careful to alludeonly to their material position.
I presume you alludeonly to those which may concern him, and which come addressed under cover to you.
The stumbling-blocks are various, and they lie in every path: we can alludeonly to one or two as specimens.
Of course I alludeonly to those affectionate amenities which are common between people who purpose to marry as soon as opportunity may offer.
In this he alludedonly, I presume, to saddle-horses.
Mr. Williams, don't think I am alludingonly to you; almost the whole human race has made the same mistake.
The Greshams-ofcourse she alludedonly to the males of the family-werefoolishly soft-hearted; no one could say what might happen.
His audience imagined that the preacher alludedonly to a spiritual captivity, that he meant: "How shall we celebrate our freedom in this German prison?"