The Japanese did not want any amoebicdysentery cases in Japan.
The doctors in the German hospital in Peking diagnosed the illness as amoebicdysentery.
I had had amoebicdysentery with bleeding for four months-with a loss of fifty pounds weight.
She has also battled ulcers, amoebicdysentery, bursitis, and had a benign brain tumour removed in 1997.
In liquid shape there should be serum to inject for the stoppage of amoebicdysentery, and anti-snake-venom serum.
Uso de amebiasis en inglés
Bowel perforation is a rare complication of amebiasis, and unfortunately, it continues to be almost fatal.
We conclude that production of IFN-gamma is linked to nutritional status and predicts future susceptibility to symptomatic amebiasis.
Metronidazole treatment was initiated for amebiasis and subsequent standard chemotherapy for AML was followed after fever was lowered.
To investigate the role of amebic proteinases and host leukocytes, we studied amebiasis experimentally in the rat testis.
In conclusion, differential diagnosis of amebiasis is necessary in addition to that of bacterial or fungal infection in serum PCT elevation.
Stool microscopic examination hardly identified Entamoeba, whereas serum antibody against E. histolytica was often elevated in patients with subclinical intestinal amebiasis.
However, specific E. histolytica-lectin is not expressed in cysts, which are eliminated by asymptomatic individuals leading to false-negative results and an underestimation of amebiasis prevalence.
Seventy-one asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) -infected individuals who underwent colonoscopy for detection of diseases other than amebiasis were included in this study.
Amebiasis is still a major healthcare concern, especially in developing countries like Ecuador.