Marked by columniation having free columns in porticoes either at both ends or at both sides of a structure.
Examples for "porticoed"
Examples for "porticoed"
1There was no reminiscence of the usual Southern porticoed gable or columned veranda.
2Nordquist crossed the porticoed pavilion and descended the stone stairway.
3A winding path, lined with laurel bushes, led to the arched and porticoed entrance.
4And now and then you see a pillared and porticoed great manor-house, embowered in trees.
5The building had bullet marks on the porticoed columns.
1Did a vestibule exist at the front only, the temple would be called prostyle; as it is, it is amphiprostyle.
2The amphiprostyle is in all other respects like the prostyle, but has besides, in the rear, the same arrangement of columns and pediment.
3AMPHIPROSTYLE (from the Gr.
449 the cella with its vestibules has the form of a double templum in antis, in Fig 50 it is amphiprostyle.