Aún no tenemos significados para "amused faces".
1Two of the 'English Grundys' with carefully amused faces next moved out.
2The room they left behind was filled with half-thoughtful, half- amused faces.
3He studied the amused faces confronting him and his face turned a shade redder.
4Some amused faces were raised while he entered into observations that they foresaw would be endless.
5Madeleine Lowder's handsome head showed through the balustrade, and back of her were other amused faces.
6He caught sight of the amused faces behind the curtains above him and almost lost his nerve.
7His eyes shifted back and met a circle of amused faces, while a burst of mocking laughter broke upon his ears.
8"Well done, Dick," the Rajah said, while the two boys, who had been looking on with amused faces, clapped their hands.
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