Language spoken in ancient Egypt, branch of the Afro-Asiatic languages.
1The cliffs opposite the ancient Egyptian capitals are honeycombed with sepulchral cells.
2Hatshepsut, an Ancient Egyptian pharaoh, had an inbreeding coefficient of 25 percent.
3An ancient Egyptian writer has put on record further identifications of weapons.
4And here is an ancient Egyptian's description of not very dissimilar phenomena:-
5That wine-loving Shezmou dude had a double role in ancient Egyptian mythology.
6Lord Grantham's dog Isis was presumably named after the ancient Egyptian god.
7Hydrotherapy - or water healing - has been around since ancient Egyptian times.
8In this ancient Egyptian judgment scene, the heart is balanced against a feather.
9A weird assortment of musical instruments and Ancient Egyptian weapons decorated the walls.
10The ancient Egyptian goddess that your sign could be related to is Ma'at.
11It reminded Bolan of stepping from the desert into some ancient Egyptian tomb.
12The walls were decorated with Ancient Egyptian drawings and modern photographs.
13He will be rewarded with many a vivid picture of ancient Egyptian life.
14A church pamphlet, "Our Modern Practice of the Ancient Egyptian Religion," states:
15In spite of his proto-Semitic strain, the ancient Egyptian himself never became a Semite.
16Queens recognize other queens; the collection pays homage to the ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti.
Translations for ancient egyptian