Examples for "cortical"
Examples for "cortical"
1Main outcomes and measures: Global and vertexwise rate of progressive cortical thinning.
2Sham rTMS and stimulation of different cortical areas were used as controls.
3We describe a new, observer-independent procedure for identifying boundaries between cortical areas.
4Thus, global and regionally specific genetic factors both influence cortical surface areas.
5We used positron emission tomography to study cortical regions mediating tactile attention.
1But the medullary tube of the Vertebrates originates in the same way.
2In the medullary region, no significant differences were observed for all fluorochromes.
3Somatostatin analogs are promising agents in the treatment of medullary thyroid carcinoma.
4Histologic evaluation showed the characteristic findings of medullary carcinoma of the kidney.
5Another 20 patients had medullary thyroid cancers with RET point mutations.
1The normal response in animal tissue is represented 'down,' in metal 'up.'
2Such a point has better cutting qualities in animal tissue than has steel.
3Next up is Taurine, an organic acid found in animal tissue.
4Cadaverine was a nasty-smelling molecule produced by protein hydrolysis during putrefaction of animal tissue.
5Grasping a drum made of animal tissue strung over a rib-bone he began to dance.
6Well, as I was saying, there was already a supply of animal tissue on hand.
7Subjected to the influence of this ready solvent of animal tissue, the skin underwent no change whatsoever.
8You can't become a serious professional artiste while using nothing but all-natural animal tissue in your head.
9This represented animal tissue minus the bones.
10The residue is like a distillation of animal tissue, grey and dark, with an overpoweringly fetid odour.
11As you see, it consists of a fragment of animal tissue in a state of very advanced necrosis.
12Without nitrogen albumen cannot be formed, and without albumen the formation of vegetable and animal tissue is impossible.
13High-frequency ultrasound imaging allows for real-time determination of the microrobot's position while it is optically occluded by animal tissue.
14It features leaflets made from animal tissue that open more fully, mimicking the performance of a healthy aortic heart valve.
15Conical, blunt, and bodkin points lack the power of penetration in animal tissue inherent in broad-heads; correspondingly they do less damage.
16But ovules to me are far more troublesome to dissect than animal tissue; they are so soft, and muddy the water.