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1Example: apa pirung = soft ground becomes ap'irung.
2In Chontales many end in "apa," or "apo," as Cuapo, Comoapa, Comelapa, Acoyapo, and others.
3Most of the catalytic domain from A. vinelandii without the apa-4 sequence was degraded intracellularly, probably due to incorrect folding.
4Finally, we briefly discuss the known and putative functions of APA regulation.
5How could they not notice the unusual number of APA student registrations?
6That stated discomfort appears to have influenced the APA in exonerating Leso.
7Austrian news agency APA reported the company had confirmed the comments.
8Therefore, APA size should be interpreted with respect to the specific stepping condition.
9It is important to recognize the possible multiplicity of APA for proper diagnosis.
10Whether the molecular signature of APA carries prognostic information is worth further investigation.
11APA said it expected the deal to close by June 2014.
12Apa said it had also offered permanent roles to clinicians who were overseas.
13APA quoted Vienna police as saying all suspects had been captured.
14We also assessed performance in the APA task based on sex.
15An APA spokesperson declined to comment on the Cheung Kong offer.
16Macquarie is advising APA, while Morgan Stanley is advising the CK Infrastructure-led consortium.