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Significados de appointed number en inglés
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Uso de appointed number en inglés
I require yet one life to make up the appointednumber.
The Englishman, having given away the appointednumber of Testaments, stopped giving any more, and made no speeches.
It is more than two years since Bryan Cooper was appointednumber one jockey to Michael O'Leary's Gigginstown Stud team.
The appointednumber of men was left with Murray; and Wallace, joining his other chieftains, bade his friend and honest servant adieu.
Day after day passed on; and the marquis's steward only found more and more difficulty in obtaining the appointednumber of trustworthy beauties.
In order to render them current, an appointednumber of persons in each trade was formed into a society to regulate commercial concerns.
If they could obtain the appointednumber of scholars, their income, though small, would be amply sufficient for their wants, without any assistance from Charles.
In 1988 he was appointednumber two to Leo Beenhakker at Ajax and after the head coach quit in 1991 Van Gaal took over.