Aún no tenemos significados para "arce through".
1Sixty-pound stones arced through the air, easy for the eye to follow.
2For a moment, Teddy thought he saw lights arcing through the eruptions outside.
3Three grenades arced through the air and yellow gas spread across the battlefield.
4Lantern-light reflected off the crono as it arced through the air.
5A threadbare football appeared momentarily as it arced through the air.
6Suddenly grapes were arcing through the air, landing all around us.
7The gun arced through the air, from Frank to Hank and back again.
8Wood and trash arced through air to strike the cathedral walls.
9A moment later, another rock arced through the air, and the crowd surged forward.
10As the wax doll arced through the air, Simmon let out a startled yelp.
11And Rowan could have sworn that a golden light arced through it, then disappeared.
12They peeled away from each other, arcing through the sky in complex evasion manoeuvres.
13Marcie watched in frozen silence as the creeper arced through the air toward her.
14Long black loops arced through the air in the midst of the chanting group.
15This time two hundred joules arced through Kenichi's heart.
16Overhead, stars arced through the heavens as if intent upon washing the earth in light.