Aún no tenemos significados para "ask mischievously".
1When she returned to her seat, one of her companions asked mischievously:
2Do you want me to set you up? she asked mischievously.
3As he limped away across the lawn, Margaret asked mischievously:-
4During the pause that followed Mr. Ackerman leaned across the table and as he sipped his coffee asked mischievously:
5"Do you remember the old story of Johnny-head-in-air, Ron?" she asked mischievously.
6Is it true, by the way," she asked mischievously, "that to talk with a woman distresses you?"
7Blue Bonnet asked mischievously.
8"Is it true that you and mother were once sweethearts?" she suddenly asked mischievously.
9"Do you wish the dagger hilt also?" he asked mischievously.
10"Are you beginning to feel interested?" the doctor asked mischievously.
11"Will the affairs of your parish allow you to come back?" Emily asked mischievously.
12"Could you not engage one yourself?" she asked mischievously.
13"Now, shall I inherit Bjerregrav's money?" he asked mischievously.
14"Have you been to Anaheim?" he asked mischievously.
15"And the business?" she asked mischievously.
16"Another patient waiting?" Emily asked mischievously.