A drug used to reduce stress or tension without reducing mental clarity.
Examples for "tranquilizer"
Examples for "tranquilizer"
1He had given her a tranquilizer and sent her to her berth.
2The drug had been called thalidomide, and it had been a tranquilizer.
3Putin quickly shot the beast and sedated it with a tranquilizer gun.
4Cocktails were poured, and the girls slipped a tranquilizer into his drink.
5If necessary, it could also administer a heavy-duty tranquilizer directly into my bloodstream.
1Ralph upped the strength of his tranquillizer program and started to explain.
2With only the barest hint of hesitation, he swallowed the tranquillizer-laced champagne.
3This is an unspeakable tranquillizer and comforter, of which, woe is me!
4He hurriedly datavised an order into the physiological control processor for a tranquillizer.
5Alkad's tranquillizer program wasn't nearly strong enough to keep the claustrophobia at bay.
1I'd been given a tranquilliser and had been out for twenty-four hours.
2They had fled but left behind a new, modern tranquilliser gun and darts.
3There had been no traces of household chemicals or horse tranquilliser, she said.
4Fentanyl is a synthetic opiate drug which is a powerful painkiller and tranquilliser.
5I thought if I'm going to drown, I should really take a tranquilliser first.
1This reaction can be caused by certain antianxiety agents, specifically the benzodiazepines.
2Also effective are the antianxiety agents, such as Klonopin, Xanax, and BuSpar.
3Sedation is a side effect of many psychiatric medications, including the antianxiety agents, some antidepressants, and certain neuroleptics.
Translations for ataractic drug