Aún no tenemos significados para "authorise version".
1Bunyan is quite right in preferring our authorised version of this verse.
2The 'dissimulation' of the Authorised Version only covers half the ground.
3His most important undertaking was the so-called ' authorised version' of the Bible in 1611.
4Bill Bradish would love to read those words from the Authorised Version of the Bible.
5The Authorised Version and the Navy were in his mind the symbols of England's greatness.
6I really must write out an " authorised version" of my speech.
7Curbs on media reporting in Turkey make it harder to challenge the authorised version of events.
8These two verses have a much closer parallelism in expression than appears in our Authorised Version.
9On the other hand, the preparation of an authorised version of the Scriptures was going forward.
10The Revised Version gives a much more accurate and seaman-like account than the Authorised Version does.
11The Revised Version's rendering of the first clause is preferable to that of the Authorised Version.
12This, at least, is the authorised version as it will appear in the gospel of St Iain.
13Notice the substitution of 'your god,' in the Revised Version, for 'your gods' in the Authorised Version.
14The Authorised Version gives three 'straightways' in the three verses as to the cure of Peter's mother-in-law.
15The Authorised Version's rendering suggests that salvation is a future thing, which in one aspect is partially true.
16The Authorised Version, setting a seal on all, set a seal on our national style, thinking and speaking.