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Significados de autonomic control en inglés
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Uso de autonomic control en inglés
TLE is associated with volume loss in brainstem regions involved in autonomiccontrol.
For analyzing the autonomiccontrol the whole cardiovascular system has to be considered.
The mechanism behind this effect is unclear, although changes in autonomiccontrol have been observed.
Since the brainstem plays a crucial role in autonomiccontrol, the objectives of this study were 1.
Although the mechanism for this reduction is still unclear, it seems to reflect alterations in cardiac autonomiccontrol.
Altered autonomiccontrol can be interpreted as a compensatory mechanism for diminished vascular arteriolar vasodilator capacity in PAD.
The symptoms witnessed in unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP) suggest a breakdown of central autonomiccontrol.
There are sex- and sex-hormone-specific differences in autonomiccontrol of blood pressure, central haemodynamics and cerebral blood flow.
Objective: Indoor microclimate may affect students' wellbeing, cardiac autonomiccontrol and cognitive performance with potential impact on learning capabilities.
Conclusion: Our results indicate that autonomiccontrol of the sinus and AV nodes is preserved following successful radiofrequency ablation of AVNRT.
Recent studies suggest that about 40% of baroreflex variation, an index of cardiac autonomiccontrol, is influenced by genetic factors.
Thus, alterations in cardiac geometry influence the discharge of afferent sympathetic mechanoreceptors, contributing to the derangement in autonomiccontrol of heart rate.
The results suggest a new approach to heritable autonomiccontrol of circulation and the genetic basis of cardiovascular diseases such as systemic hypertension.
Conclusions: We did not observe a consistent DE effect on the autonomiccontrol of the heart in a controlled-exposure experiment in young participants.
However, particle effects might differ in cardiac patients because of medication intake and disease status, both affecting the autonomiccontrol of the heart.
Cardiac autonomiccontrol was monitored as a function of the sleep state by assessing heart rate variability with both linear and non-linear methods.