They flew north to take over the chase from the Pevek- basedinterceptors.
Sea- basedinterceptors, he said, offer a much more flexible option than a fixed site.
The U.S. Missile Defense Agency said two ground- basedinterceptors were used in the test.
The system includes ground- basedinterceptor missiles in Alaska and California as well as high-end radar equipment to detect attacks.
If the orbiter presents any real concern, we can have our ground- basedinterceptors standing by to bring that bird down.
He said the agency would continue its ongoing drive to ensure that the ground- basedinterceptors and overall homeland defense system were effective and dependable.
The United States has activated its ground- basedinterceptor missile-defence system amid concerns over an expected North Korean missile launch, a US defence official said today.
The Missile Defense Agency even went so far as to put together a briefing that challenged his assertions that Polish- basedinterceptors could counter Russia's ICBMs.
The expansion of the field of interceptors in Alaska from 44 ground- basedinterceptors, or GBIs, to 64 had been slated for completion in 2023.