Weaving of pliable materials to make three-dimensional artifacts.
Examples for "basketry"
Examples for "basketry"
1In this as in basketry and pottery, the answer is found in nature.
2For carrying water a gum-coated water bottle of basketry is in general use.
3Their basketry, both in Canada and in Arizona, was coiled work.
4This is true of much of the coiled basketry of the Moki Indians.
5The crowning pride of her achievements was learning to weave the dish basketry.
1Sagging against the basketwork, he took toll of his injuries.
2The roof was a basketwork of stone vaulting, and the other wall was blank stone.
3The jar is thoroughly insulated, cased in basketwork and provided with a cover, as seen in the illustration.
4The bag usually carried by gins was neatly wove in basketwork and composed of a wiry kind of rush.
5He is drawn about in a light carriage made of basketwork, and this serves him also for his bed.
1Suppose you choose underwater basket weaving as your major for some reason.
2Maybe there are lots of people who can do underwater basket weaving.
3They'd be like, Hmm, I forgot who the god of basket weaving is.
4And, Gesnip, go to the jacal and find me the coils for basket weaving.
5We also hold workshops in fibre spinning and basket weaving.
1Then came mat and rug weaving, spinning and knitting and basket making.
2When he was alone, the Interpreter turned again to his basket making.
3The Mill yonder is the basket making of the people.
4The children were clamorous for more knowledge of basket making.
5Introductory Note.-Thisgame is played among one of the basket making tribes of California.
6It also has a non-stick coating and removable frying basket making cleaning a breeze.
7Miss Virginia, after paying tribute to its beauties, mentioned the basket making, and asked for advice.
8I joined a Camphill Community as a residential care worker and got basic training in basket making.
9Indeed, although he never left his work of basket making, the Interpreter was a part of it all.
10She tried to turn them away from the tunnel, hot little hands and tipping-over beach basket making her clumsy.
11But Gonzaga followed with a 15-1 run with Clarke's basket making it 81-52 with 6:43 left.
12The last task was not as difficult as some others, as both had seen and taken a part in basket making in Illinois.
13To the man condemned to his wheel chair and his basket making, little Maggie's princess lady was still the Helen of the old house.
14Arts and Crafts: Drawing Bent Iron Work Clay Modeling Basket Making Hammock Weaving, etc.
15Pottery and Basket Making Traditional, Its Symbolism
16Photograph: Getty Images Basket making is one of the oldest crafts in the world, and probably one of the most widespread too.
Translations for basket making