Aún no tenemos significados para "be a rustle".
1Soon there will be a rustle, then a rush, and another furious weka will attack the decoy.
2The horses whinnied, there was a rustle in the cane, and silence.
3There was a rustle within; he guessed she was at her correspondence.
4Rahmatullah held up the lantern and there was a rustle of bodies.
5There was a rustle of quick steps, and the little Duchess entered.
6There was a rustling sound as the Captain slipped his doublet on.
7There was a rustle at the inner door, and Naida stood there.
8There was a rustle as Sylvie got up and searched the room.
9There was a rustle of sheets as she slipped into his bed.
10It brought him to a standstill; there was a rustle in the bushes.
11There was a rustle outside; the door opened, and Lady Laura slipped in.
12There was a rustle in the twilight, and a motion of its gloom.
13Again there was a rustle in the leaves, and a man stepped forth.
14There was a rustle of movement to the right of them.
15Now and again there was a rustling sound under the wall-paper.
16Then there was a rustle of silken garments on the stair.