Aún no tenemos significados para "become argumentative".
1When investigators questioned Hernandez about the car, he became argumentative, the documents said.
2After the first gusty panic had spent itself Iping became argumentative.
3She became argumentative and angry, as dementia patients are liable to.
4Qantas claims the pair became argumentative when they were made aware of the policy.
5Gardaí claimed that Sean McCarthy became argumentative and confrontational when they seized his Porsche.
6Becomes argumentative if he has too much, which is usually anything beyond the third Martini.
7The character of its inhabitants, which had always been sedate and reflective, became argumentative and austere.
8The character of its inhabitants, which had always been sedate and reflecting, became argumentative and austere.
9She became argumentative and far less interesting.
10Lamb's nasal voice immediately became argumentative.
11Then she became argumentative.