Aún no tenemos significados para "before midnight".
1A statement said the 94-year-old anti-apartheid leader was admitted shortly before midnight.
2Just before midnight I came back and spoke to a young maid.
3The incident happened at a house on Windsor Terrace shortly before midnight.
4The all-cash offer expires before midnight on Dec. 9, the statement said.
5Shortly before midnight, we left my apartment, by way of private staircase.
6The victim was attacked in the Norfolk Drive area just before midnight.
7Bid the grooms have my steed in readiness an hour before midnight.
8Shortly before midnight a general assault was ordered for the following morning.
9The lieutenant and I count on leaving the fort shortly before midnight.
10That's why I've been coming here just before midnight, every other day.
11It reached the Secretary of War just before midnight of March 3rd.
12He figured that before midnight he would have them in his possession.
13It was just before midnight and the place seemed packed to capacity.
14She'd had every intention of going back to her apartment before midnight.
15He was arrested by gardaí when the siege ended shortly before midnight.
16A quarter of an hour before midnight the two airmen were awakened.