Aún no tenemos significados para "begin to pant".
1As I begin to pant this is Rob's signal that I am excited.
2We begin to pant and complain, and bluster against those who are leading.
3I then heard her begin to pant and heave for breath-Aftera few seconds she exclaimed-Clifton
4Whenever anyone mentions that walk in the heat the four girls begin to pant and fan themselves with one accord.
5Knox wondered if Dr. Boyd would begin to pant from speaking so quickly, from packing so many words into one breath.
6With shivering gasps her breath began to pant between her reddening lips.
7She closed her mouth reflexively and swallowed and began to pant again.
8She began to pant, feeling her climax building, faster and steeper this time.
9Rialla Lowicker began to pant as soon as he touched her.
10The exhausted horses began to pant, and gradually slacken their pace.
11Instead of humming it began to pant, and I noticed the difference at once.
12Rasputin, who was waiting patiently at Petrov's feet, began to pant loudly and whine.
13Beside him, Merlin stopped whining and began to pant excitedly.
14No breath of wind reached them there, and they began to pant for air.
15He was sweating, and he began to pant with exertion.
16She began to pant, to writhe a little beneath him.