These results support efforts to control berylliumexposure in the workplace.
The Trump administration has left the new berylliumexposure limits intact.
The only risk factor for beryllium disease was berylliumexposure; smoking or allergic history did not affect risk.
Fifty-one of 58 workers with current berylliumexposure completed questionnaires and gave blood specimens for the lymphocyte transformation test.
The purpose of this study was to describe a methodology for surveillance and monitoring of berylliumexposure using biological monitoring to complement environmental monitoring.
Degree of berylliumexposure was associated with disease rates, which ranged from 2.9% to 15.8% for beryllia-exposed subgroups.
Berylliumexposure-associated disease occurs mainly via inhalation, but skin may also be a source of sensitization.
Conclusion: Further characterisation of exposures in beryllium metal production may be important to understanding how berylliumexposures confer high contemporary risk of beryllium disease.