Twelfth lunar month of the Javanese calendar.
Cooked dish from the Indian state of Odisha.
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1Lok Besar, a journey to; arrival at; elevation at
2Widodo told reporters on Natuna Besar island that the disputed waters belong solely to Indonesia.
3The Rajá Besar, or great chief, and his wife.
4Mr. Brooke, the "Tuan Besar," or great man, officiated as spokesman.
5One survivor was rescued from the abandoned camp and taken to hospital in nearby Pedang Besar.
6Bukit at Lok Besar, front and back views
7When, by the vicissitudes of the world, King Besar Mouda died, his son Radeu Tengah succeeded him.
8He is our very grandfather, Datu Besar!
9Would the Tuan Besar be so good as to tell them how to make the big prahu steer?
10Ismail and Mohamed were among the 393 Rohingya that Thai police say were arrested that day in Padang Besar.
11A fishing boat motors back to shore on the east coast of Natuna Besar July 8, 2014.
12Once there lived a woman, Boamaring, who was Raja Besar in a large kampong where people did not know how to work.
13As for the trafficking way stations in Padang Besar and Sadao, Chatchawal said: I do believe there could be more camps like these.
14The Raja Besar was greatly pleased and was all smiles, and the people of her kampong no longer found it necessary to work.
15According to information given me at Long Tjehan, Paron, the Raja Besar in the kampong, until recent years was also raja of the Saputans.
16On a muggy, warm morning I began work by photographing the Raja Besar, who had given me permission to take himself and his family.