Aún no tenemos significados para "best husband".
1The best husband is the one who wins you, not takes you.
2I couldn't be happier than I am; Richard's the best husband in the world.
3Oh, your Ladyship must be aware that a reformed rake makes the best husband.
4You have had the best husband in the world.
5He admitted he hadn't exactly been the best husband.
6He isn't maybe the best husband in the world when it comes to your diet.
7Your father's the best husband in the world.
8I'll make thee the best husband I can.
9The Harrow council worker's family said: He was the best husband and father anyone could wish for.
10My work the last twelve years has been to be the best husband and father I can be.
11As the goddess of marriage, I am responsible for picking the best husband for our dear new friend Aphrodite.
12Examples: "Mr. Have-it-your-own-way is the best husband."
14He's the best husband ever.
15She has the best husband in the world- amuchbetter than I should have made, much as I loved her.
16Tom may be the world's best husband, but no one on earth will ever love me as fiercely as my mother.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Best husband por variante geográfica