The mate came up on the bridge carrying the bigledger and the satchel.
Then I keep all the accounts, very complicated, as you would say if you saw my bigledger.
See here are my receipts and expenditure, she said, thrusting towards another bigledger which he waved away.
One Saturday while I was at work on the bigledger of the merchant I ran upon this item:
It is a bigledger some one has given him, in which he notes the important events of his life.
Morally, this registry in a bigledger has not even the virtue of inducing a wife to take a lover.
Then he proceeded to Mr. Foblin's desk, that gentleman turning over the pages of his bigledger preparatory to making an entry.
One night the kitchen door swung open and the old customers saw Dick bent over a bigledger, struggling with his cost accounting.
Well, then, here on this page are the country folk, and the numbers after their names are where their accounts are in the bigledger.
She was in the office, making entries in a couple of bigledgers opened on the desk.
LaGuardia has filled 45 bigledgers with news stories along, and e8ght with editorials.
When I got back to the motel, Georgia Langston was behind the desk in the lobby, making entries in two bigledgers.
"You will want the bigledger for facts?"
The business office is a very businesslike place, with files, typewriter, letter-copying press, bigledgers and all the modern appliances of an up-to-date business office.
"Now, you see, sir," he went on, opening the bigledger, "here are the separate accounts under each head.