Aún no tenemos significados para "bite sarcasm".
1The title of the satire was, therefore, of itself a biting sarcasm.
2His calumniators were made to feel the force of his biting sarcasm.
3Margaret Atwood has announced she is leaving Twitter, with biting sarcasm.
4Their biting sarcasm and scathing rebuke are mirrors which reveal us to ourselves.
5By no means does it lack humor, searching and biting sarcasm.
6Newspapers, pamphlets, and periodicals teemed with biting sarcasm on this most extraordinary circumstance.
7That is characteristic of your style of reasoning, said Buxton, with biting sarcasm.
8His style was direct, vigorous, plain, full of pungent wit and biting sarcasm.
9They did not hesitate to assail its gross idolatry with bold and biting sarcasms.
10Their biting sarcasm and scathing rebuke are often mirrors which reveal us to ourselves.
11It's rather early for eavesdroppers, she added, with biting sarcasm.
12Go to the Associated Charities, snarled Livingstone, conscious of the biting sarcasm of his speech.
13Brooks flushed a little at the biting sarcasm in Arranmore's tone, but he restrained himself.
14Ferdy was still smarting under Mr. Rhodes's biting sarcasm when the three came together again.
15Pink, with biting sarcasm, retorted that they did not.
16Brimming with biting sarcasm, the father mimicked Anthrax's brother.